Industry information
Are all-in-one computers a "flash in the pan"? You didn't see the truth clearly
Shenzhen Manwei Video Technology | 创建时间:2024/3/1 | 浏览:43

Speaking of all-in-one computers, they were actually all the rage many years ago. Especially when they were first launched, the price was prohibitive for many ordinary consumers. Of course, there are still many people who want to experience it. Compared with the complicated installation of traditional desktop computer hosts, , difficult to carry, etc.; all-in-one computers have this unique convenience advantage. At least there are no separate large chassis and monitors. Whether it is from the perspective of transportation or placement, in terms of volume alone, it is much larger than assembled desktop computers. The advantages.

So why is it that all-in-one computers that were popular before ,then are rarely mentioned now? Are all-in-one computers just a "flash in the pan"? Or are all-in-one computers not meeting the needs of the public? actually not! It’s not that no one buys all-in-one computers. On the contrary, sales are booming in some first-tier cities. But now the public user group has changed. They used to be mainly for home entertainment, but now they are more accurate and are mostly used for office and commercial use.

Nowadays, all-in-one computers are more popular among business people, especially in some first-tier cities. White-collar workers in many companies use all-in-one computers for office work. This has to be said about the unique factors of all-in-one computers. The ones that are most favored by various commercial companies are their simple appearance and easy transportation. Why do you say this? In many first-tier cities, for some aspiring young people to start their own businesses, they usually rent office buildings at first, but the annual rent is uncontrollable, so there is a rhythm of occasionally moving. In this way, the all-in-one computer completely solves the trouble of desktop computers when moving. It does not take up space and is very convenient to assemble or install. One issue is appearance. Generally, all-in-one computers give people a sense of being integrated and high-end, unlike desktop computers that look dull and lifeless.